About Us

Who Are We

The Assistant for Your Business

Advertising and media agency that works​

AdDot.com is a full circle marketing and advertising agency aimed at providing solutions for clients through creative and aggressive strategies. We are committed to creating compelling advertisements, research-based strategies, and MEASURABLE RESULTS. we make sure your brand has the right tone for the right platform, anytime and every time. We love the digital landscape and making sense of it for your brand’s performance. At AdDot.com, we get it.

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Years Experience

Our Mission

To Boost Your Creative Projects.

We provide innovative and effective integrated brand marketing and public relations solutions which help our clients grow their businesses and realize their marketing goals.

Investment Advisor

We help our clients better allocate their financial resources

Staffing Consultant

We provide direct staffing to provide consistency of work product flow on site or remotely tailored for your needs.

Content Strategist

We work with your team to develop a content strategy that will best connect with your customer. Content continues the process of educating customers about your brand.

HR Management

We can assist in helping you build your team and support your personnal plans

Corporating Management
Business Integration
Plans Implementation
Career Develop

Our Skills

We Are More Effective To Making Different !!

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Meet Our Professionals

We are intelligence in action

Jonathan Bale

CEO - Founder

Jennifer Doe

CEO - Founder

Jordan Smith

CEO - Founder

Matthew Head

CEO - Founder